James Patterson – 2 Sisters Detective Agency

2 Sisters Detective Agency is a standalone novel by James Patterson and Candice Fox.

The release date of this story was October 5, 2021.

2 Sisters Detective Agency book description

Attorney Rhonda Bird returns home after a long estrangement when she learns her father has died.

There she makes two important discoveries: her father stopped being an accountant and had opened up a private detective agency, and she has a teenage half sister named Baby.

Baby brings in a client to the detective agency, a young man who claims he was abducted. During the course of the investigation, Rhonda and Baby become entangled in a dangerous case involving a group of overprivileged young adults who break laws for fun, their psychopath ringleader, and an ex-assassin victim who decides to hunt them down for revenge.

James Patterson 2 Sisters Detective Agency

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