James Patterson – Give Thank You A Try

Give Thank You A Try is a children’s picture book by bestselling author James Patterson.

The release date of Give Thank You A Try was October 30, 2017.

Give Thank You A Try book description

James Patterson, author of the #1 bestselling Give Please a Chance, continues his celebration of simple civility in this follow-up picture book about the power of expressing thanks.

In Give Please a Chance, bestselling author James Patterson showed little ones the magic of the word “please.”

In his second picture book, he takes young readers on a delightful search for kindness and appreciation in everyday life.

Sweetly illustrated scenes from a variety of artists show children saying “thank you” for simple gifts like tickles, ice cream, and Mommy and Daddy’s love, reminding us of all we have to be grateful for.

James Patterson Give Thank You A Try

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