Holmes Is Missing is the second installment in the Holmes, Marple & Poe series by James Patterson and Brian Sitts.
The release date of this novel was January 6, 2025.
Holmes Is Missing book description
Success has come quickly to Holmes, Marple & Poe Investigations, a Brooklyn-based elite team of three detectives with famous names and mysterious pasts.
At two a.m., Auguste Poe, the “muscle” of the trio, speeds across the Williamsburg Bridge toward a fresh NYPD crime scene, called by Detective Helene Grey. His passenger, Margaret Marple, is the “eyes” of their operation—a PI whose contact list is rivaled only by her keen powers of observation.
Six infants are missing.
So is the “brain” of their agency, Brendan Holmes.
When the two PIs arrive at the scene, they’re confronted by a perplexing abduction case.
Poe whispers to Marple, “Of all the times to be one brain short!”
If only they could consult with the errant Holmes—before the kidnappers strike again.