Private Series

On June 28, 2010, James Patterson published Private with Maxine Paetro. This marked the start of the new Private series by the bestselling author.

The series follows the adventures of Private, an investigation company with subsidiaries around the world. This has helped give the series a global flavor, with other novels being based in the UK, Germany, India and Australia.

James Patterson has written all of these stories with other authors, including Maxine Paetro, Mark Pearson, Mark Sullivan, Ashwin Sanghi and Michael White.

On this page, we’ve provided a complete list of all the books in James Patterson’s Private series. In fact, there are two lists – the first contains all of the full-length novels in the series, while the second contains shorter Private stories that are also part of the BookShots series.

The titles below link to pages that have more details about each of the stories and also provide a link to the book on Amazon in case you’d like to buy a copy or take a look at reviews by other readers.

We also have a complete list of all the author’s books in order chronologically.

Private Series In Order

Full-length novels

  1. Private
  2. Private London
  3. Private #1 Suspect
  4. Private Games
  5. Private Berlin
  6. Private L.A.
  7. Private Down Under
  8. Private India
  9. Private Vegas
  10. Missing
  11. Private Paris
  12. The Games
  13. Count To Ten
  14. Princess
  15. Private Moscow
  16. Missing Persons


  1. Private: The Royals
  2. Private: Gold